Recently,my mood is not so stable,sometimes depressed,sometimes is mood~less,
These few day,I'm thinking a lot and also ask my friend how's her and her boy friend,
She told me that her boyfriend not tell her the truth and sometimes he sleep until forget his promise to
She said his friend told her if her don't get along with him longer~can break up to his boyfriend,
but everytimes his boyfriend make always almost want to say the word,
I'm know his boyfriend make her so moody and mood~less,
She also say his boyfriend is hopeless for her because he look like no sincere to her,
And she will not easily believe his boyfriend is sincere with any word.
Why his boyfriend do this to her?As i known ,she is a good person to me.
If you can realize the promise to somebody~please don't easily promise to people,
because if you failed to do that~the person which you promise will feel sad and disappionted or despair.
girl 's heart like a glass is easily to get breaking,if you fully love the girl,please don't hurt the girl so much and protect her heart with carefully.Girl's heart is easily to protect because girl need more care and take care their feeling ,even they need a people to protect her and her so much.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Recently mood
Posted by Bowie at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 25, 2011
Today's mood
Just now know my march exam get band 3 and feel that my muet is already retrogress,
even my classmate also told me that my muet is retrogress,
I'm think the listening and writing are the most difficult part to score for me,
Just because the writing's one part get band 3 and other get band 2 and make me drop to band 3,
listening also worse because so hard to me to catch the point,
Two of my friend get band 4 and fell that they are already improve to themselves,
This march exam's result is worse is does't mean anything,
maybe next time I'm can get better than this result,
Now until mid-year exam still got many time to improve myself ,
Now cannot go trip with my friend but I'm can use the time to study myself,
I'm just feel some little stress because my target for MUET is atleast get band 4 but I'm have to try
harder to achieve my goal.
In front of my sight have many better future for me,
I'm cannot easily giving up for myself,
I'm must remember my proverb never give up.
Posted by Bowie at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Posted by Bowie at 4:49 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Recently the mood
Posted by Bowie at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Posted by Bowie at 5:34 PM 0 comments